Throwing the controller, a.k.a. Dark Souls: why?

A rage quit is the act of stopping during gameplay in a fit of pique caused by something that occurred in the game. In the worlds created by the developers of ARPGs there is always something happening (otherwise they wouldn’t be called action role-playing games) and frequently it seems perfectly designed to frustrate the player. Rage quits can be expensive and are surely a manufacturer’s dream as the countless YouTube videos (link contains swearing) of gamers breaking their hardware off tables, chairs, other pieces of hardware, themselves, etc. will attest. I rage quit a lot. There is a simple reason for that: I decided to play some of the most notoriously difficult games available and I’m not a gamer. Quick reflexes? Nope. A fast eye? Nay nonny nay. Good observation? Don’t be silly. All these things are a rquirement for these fast-paced fights. Mobs will emerge, seemingly from nowhere, hacking and slashing, breaking my poise, and rendering me dead in seconds. Single enemies will wait for my stamina bar to drop to zero and bludgeon me into the ground. Rats will bite and poison me and my character drops to the floor yet again. That happens very frequently.

I calmly place the controller on the table and suppress the urge to fling it at the wall or better yet at the computer monitor. Maximum damage appears to be the primary urge. Really, the challenge should be met and the time spent looking for a solution to the problem in-game but I’m cheap so I use online guides. Really quite a significant amount of online guides. Sometimes, after a rage quit, I enter searches such as “high wall of lothric so hard”. Without them I would find it ever so difficult to get through this game. With them I find it ever so difficult to get through this game. I get killed by every single enemy, every single time. I don’t get better. Sometimes, (in fact, most times), I get worse. Worse and worse and worse and I seem to put less distance behind me than the last time I played the same level. Or the time before that. Or even the very first time I play the level. That first time is sometimes the best time. I move slower and more carefully. This game is fiendishly difficult. And I find Skyrim difficult. The corridors are too complicated. Please. I want to go back to work…

by caffeine

Published by librarians in quarantine

different people, different styles, different ideas... just get on with it.

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