I believe I can fry #1

If you don’t know what an arancino is you must fill this gap of knowledge immediately. I won’t tell you the story of this traditional street food from Sicily because you can easily make a search by yourself and get lost into the neverending argument about its spelling with the –o or with the –aContinue reading “I believe I can fry #1”

A book and a cake

The other day I picked this book just after I’ve eaten my lunch. I was tempted to go back to my laptop to start working again but I had to force myself to have my usual one-hour break as if I was at work in the library. I sat on the sofa with my feetContinue reading “A book and a cake”

Throwing the controller, a.k.a. Dark Souls: why?

A rage quit is the act of stopping during gameplay in a fit of pique caused by something that occurred in the game. In the worlds created by the developers of ARPGs there is always something happening (otherwise they wouldn’t be called action role-playing games) and frequently it seems perfectly designed to frustrate the player.Continue reading “Throwing the controller, a.k.a. Dark Souls: why?”

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